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  • Ms K Carpenter (Head of English)
  • Mrs S James (Second in English, Literacy Coordinator)
  • Mrs B Ditton
  • Mrs J Millband
  • Mrs S Tierney


The English department has four dedicated classrooms, equipped with whiteboards, data projectors and book boxes.

About the department

English holds a unique place in the curriculum: it is both a subject in its own right and also the medium through which all other subjects in the curriculum are delivered. In short, it is central to the educational progress of all students. The aim of the department is to develop our students as enthusiastic, motivated and independent learners who possess the written and oral communication skills which will be so vital for their future lives; we also wish to foster a life-long interest in the spoken and written word.

Our dedicated teachers combine traditional teaching techniques with the very latest in pedagogical thinking, meaning that all students benefit from lessons that address their different learning styles. We closely monitor the progress of all students and organise ‘interventions’ where necessary - these include a weekly one-to-one paired reading programme for Year 7 students and lunchtime revision sessions for Year 11.

English Department Intent

The English Department aim to develop the whole child and to equip them with the language and communication skills which enable them to perform to the best of their ability in all subjects, not just English.  The department also aims to promote a love of reading for pleasure that will last for a lifetime, as well as an appreciation of the power of language in a range of contexts.


The department is well resourced with class sets of novels, poetry anthologies, plays and textbooks. Our stock is updated every year so that students can take advantage of the latest in children’s fiction and non-fiction as well as more traditional works. There is also a large collection of DVDs. The use of ICT is an intrinsic aspect of the English curriculum and students have regular access to the computer and library facilities in the Learning Resource Centre.


Key Stage 3

Students explore the development of the English Language.  We look at a diverse range of fiction and non-fiction texts from different periods.  The key focus how language is used; what effect did the writer or speaker wanted to achieve.

Key Stage 4 (GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature)

In both years 10 and 11, students are taught in mixed ability groups. In year 10 and 11 the department follows the Eduqas syllabus for both English Language and English Literature with students studying prose, poetry, drama texts and non-fiction. Students build on their work at KS3 and further develop their ability to write to argue, persuade and advise; explore, imagine and entertain; inform, explain, describe and analyse, review, comment. Speaking and listening skills are also a key component of the course and students receive a separate speaking and listening grade of pass, merit or distinction as well as their numerical GCSE English Language grade.

Students take part in regular extra curricular trips to watch performances of text studied with recent visits being to watch 'Macbeth' and 'An Inspector Calls.'

Key Stage 5

The exam board for English Language A level is Eduqas.  We regularly visit the British Library, as well as have online courses and recently the English Literature A Level group visited The Globe to see ‘Twelfth Night’.

Enrichment opportunities

Students participate in a variety of interesting enrichment activities. These include the Kids’ Lit Quiz, the English Speaking Union Public Speaking Competition and Young Journalist Academy.

Career opportunities

We are part of an increasingly competitive global economy and so the range of skills developed in the study of English are highly valued by employers, colleges and universities alike. Success in English is essential for entry to virtually all careers; specific careers that employ English skills include: law, journalism, management consultancy
